In this captivating episode of AnimalZone, our journey begins with the heartwarming story of Dede, a majestic hawk residing at the SPCA Monterey County. Having endured a tragic car accident that left her permanently disabled, Dede was rescued and has spent 16 remarkable years as an educational ambassador. We delve into the intricacies of Dede's life, from her formidable talons to her extraordinary eyesight, eight times more powerful than that of humans. We discover her unique role in educating schools about raptors and the challenges they face.
Transitioning across continents, the episode takes a scenic detour to Switzerland, landing at the historic Beau Rivage Palace in Lausanne. The epitome of pet pampering properties, we meet Isabel, the guest relations manager, and Fabio, an effortlessly charming dog. Amidst anecdotes of dogs, cats and even camels as guests, viewers witness the extravagant welcome amenities, including personalized baskets, carpets, and birthday presents for the four-legged patrons. The hotel's extensive services, from pet walking in the stunning four hectares of gardens to grooming, the hotel even features a pet cemetery with a century-old history.
Returning to Santa Barbara, the episode introduces Laura Stinchfield, The Pet Psychic, engaging in a heart-to-heart with Kerri Burns, CEO of Santa Barbara Humane, and her rescue dog Kali. A poignant narrative unfolds as Laura unveils the scars on Callie's face and unravels unexpected connections between Kerri's family and her loyal companion.
This AnimalZone episode weaves together tales of resilience, opulence, and profound connections, offering viewers a glimpse into the multifaceted world of the human-animal bond.